the quint

an interdisciplinary quarterly from the north

Portal Administrator: Roger Nabess
Editor: Sue Matheson

ISSN: 1920-1028 (online)
Publication frequency: 4 times a year.


Interdisciplinary, the quint (a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal) disseminates new knowledge in the areas of literature, history, the arts, popular culture, education, the social sciences, and aboriginal studies. The journal also publishes interviews, artwork, creative writing, and reviews. All issues of the quint are archived in National Library and Archives Canada (Ottawa, Ontario).


MLA, Ebscohost, Google Scholar, National Library & Archives Canada


Click here for past issues.

Author Guidelines

General Submission Guidelines

the quint, housed at the University College of the North, is a wide-ranging forum for scholarly articles and other essays, creative writing, and artwork with a view toward creating a useful, inclusive conversation for everyone by dessiminating work that is written in accessible language and reflects a diversity of disciplinary approaches, subjects, and analyses of interest to scholarly readers and the public at large. Material from or about the North is particularly welcome.

Manuscript Submission

Scholarly articles and other essays should range between 15 and 25 pages of double-spaced text, including all images and source citations. Longer and shorter submissions also will be considered. Bibliographic citation should be the standard disciplinary format. All submissions (which should be accompanied by a short biography) will be forwarded to a member of the editorial board. Manuscripts must not be previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere while being reviewed by the quint’s editors or advisory editors.

E-copies of manuscripts should be sent to Dr. Sue Matheson (, hard copies to the quint, University College of the North, P.O. Box 3000, The Pas, Manitoba, Canada, R9A 1M7. E-copies of manuscripts should be formatted in Word or RTF. Artwork and images should be formatted in digital format, JPEG, TIFF, or PDF.


Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission from original copyright owners of figures, tables, or quotations of 500 words or more that will appear in the journal.


Contributors to the quint agree to transfer a one-time right to publish their work to the publisher. Copyright is retained by the individual authors of manuscripts and artists of works accepted for publication in the quint.

 Sue Matheson
University College of the North


Mohsen Ashtiany
Columbia University
Brenda Austin-Smith,
University of Manitoba
Keith Batterbe,
University of Turku
Donald Beecher,
Carleton University
Gerald Bowler,
Independent Scholar
Robert Budde,
University of Northern British Columbia
David Carpenter, Professor Emeritus
University of Saskatchewan
Terrence Craig,
Mount Allison University
Lynn Echevarria,
Yukon College
Erwin Erdhart, III,
University of Cincinnati
Peter Falconer,
University of Bristol
Peter Geller
University of the Fraser Valley
Susan Gold,
University of Windsor
Peter Gordon,
Independent Scholar
Camille McCutcheon,
University of South Carolina Upstate
Lorraine Mayer,
Brandon University
Ray Merlock,
University of South Carolina Upstate​
Antonia Mills, Professor Emeritus
University of Northern British Columbia
Ikuko Mizunoe, Professor Emeritus
Kyoritsu Women’s University
Avis Mysyk,
Cape Breton University
Hisami Nakamura,
Tenri University
Andrew Patrick Nelson,
University of Montana
Sherry Peden,
Independent Scholar
Julie Pelletier,
University of Winnipeg
Vincent Pitturo,
Denver University
Frances Pheasant-Kelly,
 University of Wolverhampton
Christian Riegel,
University of Regina
Steve Roe,
Northern Lights College
John George Hansen,
University of Saskatchewan
Richard Harris,
University of Saskatchewan
Stella Hockenhull,
University of Wolverhampton
Didi Hutchins,
University of Alaska (Anchorage)
Deborah Lynn Kitchen-Døderlein,
University of Oslo
Martin Kuester,
University of Marburg
Ronald Marken, Professor Emeritus
University of Saskatchewan
Dan Smith,
University College of the North
Robert Spindler,
University of Innsbruck
Nicholas Tyrras,
University of Northern British Columbia
Darrell Varga,
Gene Walz,
University of Manitoba
Robin Waugh,
Wilfred Laurier University
David Williams,
University of Manitoba