More Information
During the development of the program, extensive consultation occurred with a variety of regional stakeholders. The suggestions, opinions, and knowledge shared by the stakeholders are reflected in the program content. The Kenanow program philosophy reflects the mission statement of UCN. The Seven Sacred Teachings – wisdom, respect, truth, humility, honesty, bravery and love – are embedded in the design and delivery of the program. Please see the Kenanow Model.
The program has a Middle Years focus but prepares graduates to teach students at all grade levels. The program aims to graduate teachers who are aware of and responsive to the needs of their students. When implementing curricula, graduates of the program will have the skills to link provincial curricula in culturally meaningful way to the life experiences of their students. Graduates of the program will not only be proficient enough as teachers to effectively meet the needs of children and youth in the north, but capable of teaching effectively anywhere in Manitoba. Graduates of the program are eligible to apply for professional certification through Manitoba Education.

Kenanow Model
The Kenanaw Learning Model is an education system that served Aboriginal people well for generations throughout time and history. It is about identity, a place of belonging, community history, roles and responsibilities of generations of families and the process of handing down knowledge in a larger context, the community that supports and nourishes the heart, mind, body and spirit. For Ininiwak, the Cree, the education system was transmitted through the families and communities as represented in the Kenanaw Learning Model.
Kenanaw was chosen by the Council of Elders at the UCN as the concept for the framework of the UCN teacher education program. The choice was made because for years, the public school system failed to meet Aboriginal student educational needs in many areas. These areas included the preparation of prospective teacher candidates in the teacher education programs, the program curricula, the instructional practices, text materials, and methods of teaching Aboriginal students.
Through the Kenanaw Learning Model a new foundation of teacher education is created that looks to the past, present and future for the education of northern and Aboriginal students.
The Kenanow learning model bridges the link between western education perspectives and the Aboriginal perspectives in the transmission of knowledge. Kenanow is a word drawn from the Cree language. Translated literally, it usually reads “all of us’, all of us who are here” which includes all our relations as described in the model. In this model the kinship system is envisioned as an organically functioning system into which education is naturally and harmoniously integrated and transmitted.

The Program (Kenanow)
University College of the North offers three paths to a Bachelor of Education degree:
1. An integrated Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education with a Middle Years focus:
Students may fulfill the requirements for the breadth courses and the teachable subjects while enrolled in the integrated Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education program. Students must fulfill the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Education.
Students may fulfill the requirements for the breadth courses and the teachable subjects while enrolled in the integrated Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education program. Students must fulfill the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Education.
2. An integrated Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies/Bachelor of Education with a Middle Years focus: Students may fulfill the requirements for the breadth courses and the teachable subjects while enrolled in the integrated Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies/Bachelor of Education program. Students must fulfill the requirements for a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies and the Bachelor of Education
3. Two year After Degree Program - Middle Years focus:
Students with an undergraduate degree may be registered in the After Degree Stream of the Bachelor of Education program. Students will complete 60 credit hours of education courses.
Students with an undergraduate degree may be registered in the After Degree Stream of the Bachelor of Education program. Students will complete 60 credit hours of education courses.
Students will complete 61 credit hours of education courses. Students must complete:
ABS.1001 Waskawimakanwa Mecimwaci Isihtwawina
EDU.3000 Introduction to Teaching
EDU.3010 Educating Children and Youth
EDU.3015 Teaching Practicum 1
EDU.3016 Teaching Practicum 2
EDU.3020 English Language Arts Methods
EDU.3030 Mathematics Methods
EDU.3035 Social Studies Methods
EDU.3040 Science Methods
EDU.3045 Aboriginal Perspective for Teachers
EDU.3050 School Relationships
EDU.4010 Assessment Practices
EDU.4015 Teaching Practicum 3
EDU.4016 Teaching Practicum 4
EDU.4020 Teaching Students with Diverse Learning Needs
EDU.4021 Reading Instruction and Literacy Acquisition
EDU.4025 The Multilevel Learning Community
EDU.4030 Learning Technologies
EDU.4035 Principles of Learning and Development
EDU.4055 Teaching Sport
EDU.3000 Introduction to Teaching
EDU.3010 Educating Children and Youth
EDU.3015 Teaching Practicum 1
EDU.3016 Teaching Practicum 2
EDU.3020 English Language Arts Methods
EDU.3030 Mathematics Methods
EDU.3035 Social Studies Methods
EDU.3040 Science Methods
EDU.3045 Aboriginal Perspective for Teachers
EDU.3050 School Relationships
EDU.4010 Assessment Practices
EDU.4015 Teaching Practicum 3
EDU.4016 Teaching Practicum 4
EDU.4020 Teaching Students with Diverse Learning Needs
EDU.4021 Reading Instruction and Literacy Acquisition
EDU.4025 The Multilevel Learning Community
EDU.4030 Learning Technologies
EDU.4035 Principles of Learning and Development
EDU.4055 Teaching Sport
One Elective:
EDU.4040 Instruction of Aboriginal Languages
EDU.4045 Teaching Sustainable Development
EDU.4050 Teaching Internship
EDU.4051 Sociology/Anthropology of Education Seminar
EDU.4061 Teaching Practical Arts
EDU.4062 Teaching Business Education
Major teachable subject areas
Major teachable subject areas include: art, biology, business education, chemistry, computer science, English, French, general science*, geography, a heritage, Aboriginal or world language, history, human ecology, industrial arts, mathematics, music, Native studies, physical education (health), physics, theatre and vocational industrial.
*General science major requires 18 credit hours in 3 separate science disciplines and 3 credit hours must be at the 2000 level or higher.
Major teachable subject areas include: art, biology, business education, chemistry, computer science, English, French, general science*, geography, a heritage, Aboriginal or world language, history, human ecology, industrial arts, mathematics, music, Native studies, physical education (health), physics, theatre and vocational industrial.
*General science major requires 18 credit hours in 3 separate science disciplines and 3 credit hours must be at the 2000 level or higher.
Minor teachable subject areas
In addition to the subject areas listed above but excluding general science, minor teachable subject areas may also include: anthropology, classics, dance, developmental studies, earth science, economics, environmental studies, law, philosophy, political science, psychology and sociology.
In addition to the subject areas listed above but excluding general science, minor teachable subject areas may also include: anthropology, classics, dance, developmental studies, earth science, economics, environmental studies, law, philosophy, political science, psychology and sociology.
Breadth Requirements (As well as the teachable subject areas, students are required to meet these breadth requirements as part of the bachelor degree)
1. 6 credit hours of Mathematics,
2. 6 credit hours of Physical or Biological Science,
3. 6 credit hours of History and/or Geography and,
4. 6 credit hours of English
1. 6 credit hours of Mathematics,
2. 6 credit hours of Physical or Biological Science,
3. 6 credit hours of History and/or Geography and,
4. 6 credit hours of English